Thursday, September 21, 2017

Lacy ...finish yarn project

Now I don't even remember when I started this. However determined to finish it sooner.
It is one of those project which you start because you want to use the yarn you like...the like for its newness or its color or its texture.
Then there is patterns that you would pick up or bookmark in your wish list.  This is when a project so direction less starts with all the planning.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Some smaller stuffs

Sometimes turning around with quick few mins crochet is therupatic. On the hindsight not being able to shape it to what it was meant to be can be nightmare.  Like for instance, I've done these for scunchies, will they ever get that identity or end up in some corner of my home...hoping for happy ending:-)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

French knitter

French knitter is quick fix for bag handles. On exploring they can be a good option for jewellery.

Hearty affair

Isn't this such a nice pattern, and it's equally interesting to make as well.

Little pouch

The fondness for pouch is unmatched. Whenever I have knitting thread, I seem to feel only pouches makes best use of it. It feels rest of patterns is like wasting the thread.

Isn't this strange that you have bunch of yarn, but you still end up trying out the new yarn you bought out of greed first.
Here are some of my trials from last week's shopping...tried different patterns from

Friday, September 8, 2017

Next in line ...

Will the heart ever listen to mind. The mind says stop buying threads till you finish off the one's that are already there, but alas the heart goes on and shops for more:)
This week I had gone near the yarn shop, thought I would just checkout what is new and I ended up returning home with 2k worth threads and yarn, and not a bit guilty.
Here is my lot.

Yes there are sewing items as well, as I've also started experimenting with sewing.

Back to crochet, to start with made few hearts:) Moving on will make a purse from this thread. WIP.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Colourful Edging

For a crocheter a plain piece of cloth wouldn't look appealing unless they do some crochet edging to it. So this is what I've been doing as my next work. 
There was a sale in near by area and seeing these pretty colourful cloths I visualized they would look even more prettier with crochet work on them. Here is my trial, I personally like 
them with the work. 

 This is the first attempt and trial, didn't wanted to make it look too gawdy.